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Angelique Bellydance

Salimpour School of New York

Angelique is a nationally renowned dancer, performer, and teacher with over two decades of immersive experience. Her mission is to bring the beauty and artistry of bellydance to a wider audience and help dancers explore their creative potential through movement and education.

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6:00 - 7:15 pm 

Level 1/2 

  • 10 week session running

  • Apr 30 - Jul 16

  • $200 for the session 

  • (drop in rate $25)

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7:00 - 8:15 pm 

Level 1/2 

  • 10 week session running

  • May 2 - Jul 18 

  • $200 for the session 

  • (drop in rate $25)

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10:00 - 11:15 am 

Level 2/3 

  • 10 week session running

  • May 5 - Jul 28 

  • $200 for the session 

  • (drop in rate $25)

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Meet Angelique

Angelique began bellydance in 1997 as a way to add a little more "feminine" to her "masculine" world of Computer Science and Martial Arts. What began as a fun, creative outlet quickly became a passion that led her into the classrooms of the top teachers in the world.  In her commitment to represent this cultural dance with the integrity it deserves, Angelique has and continues to train with master source teacher and through this work has developed a deep understanding of the movement, music, history, and cultural significance of the art form.  Angelique is an authorized instructor in the prestigious Salimpour School of Dance and brings her wealth of knowledge to the stage as well as classroom.   

Class Schedule

Angelique teaches weekly classes at her beautiful dance studio located in the Kaleidoscope Arts Center building at 2651 State Route 44/55, Gardiner, NY. Class skill level ranges from beginner to advanced and all are welcome. To register, send an email.

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